A good hockey coach can be the key to success or failure.
In addition to understanding the game, a good coach also needs to have the skills to develop team spirit, determination and enthusiasm in all their players.
In order to get the best out of their team, a good hockey coach should show an interest in their players and develop a relationship based on mutual respect. Knowing and understanding their players shows that they care and also makes players more likely to trust their coach and be open about any issues.
Develop confidence
A good player is a confident player who believes in themselves and their ability. Having a coach that aims to improve a player’s confidence and encourages them to learn from their mistakes will produce better athletes. Motivating players can be done by using a hockey drill video and helping players learn new skills both on and off the field.
Most coaches take on the role because they are passionate about the sport and want to encourage the next generation. Coaches are naturally competitive and enjoy the competition element of sport, which can be both stimulating and exciting.
A good coach should regularly ask themselves if their players are improving, enjoying the sport, and if there is a positive atmosphere when training.
At the start of each season, a good coach should have a squad they want to work with and stick with that group. Individual targets should be set and regularly monitored, and players should be given the opportunity for one-on-one feedback.
Players learn best from their mistakes. A good hockey coach will not dwell on any mistakes; instead, they’ll discuss ways to improve and make sure the players don’t feel punished for any errors they have made on the field.
Olympic gold medallist Sam Quek believes hockey can benefit all players regardless of their background.
A good coach should insist on certain commitments from their team, including being on time for training sessions, good behaviour when representing their team both on and off the field, and a positive attitude. Using a hockey drill video can help with discipline when training.
Team Work
Letting players have a say and putting forward ideas and suggestions shows that their opinions are valued.